
Java J2EE Training

Training Mode - Class Room / On Line.

  1. Class Room / On Line Session.
  2. Class Room : Small Batch Size.
  3. Online : Individual.
  4. Practical Project Based.
  5. Experienced Trainer.
  6. 80 hrs Video Tutorials.
  7. 24 hrs On Line Support.
  8. Links to Download Examples.
  9. Assignments Links.
  10. Placement Support.
  11. Flexible Timings.


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About Course :

We have launched Basic to Advance Level Complete Java J2EE course designed by Experienced Java Developers for Candidates who want to make career in Java Development. Training is 100% Practical Project based in which we start from basics and gradually move to Advance level Step by Step so that even layman with zero programming knowlidge will be able to write Expert Java Code. All our Trainers are B. Tech / MCA with 5+ years of expert knowledge.

What you will Learn :

Core Java

Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs)


Getting started with java

Introduction to Java
Features of java

Java basics

Java programming basics
Primitive and Non Primitive Data
Type casting
Control Structure


The java.lang package overview
The Object class
Wrapper classes
System class
Math class
String & StringBuffer

Java Arrays

Single and Two Dimention Arrays
Command-line arguments

Java Methods and their communication

Introduction to methods
Method arguments and return types
Pass by Value
Getters and Setters

Static and Data formatting

Static methods, variables and constants
Math class and methods
Wrapper classes
Auto boxing
Data formatting and static imports

Classes and Objects

Class and Object
Group of Classes
Inner classes

Inheritance and Polymorphism

Understanding inheritance
Methods overriding and the rules
IS-A and HAS-A relationship
Super class Vs Subclass
Method Overloading
Access Modifiers

Abstract Classes, Interfaces and Package

Abstract classes and methods
Mother of all classes Object class
Polymorphic reference
Object reference casting
Deadly Diamond of Death
Interfaces and its implementation
Creating Package and importing Package

Exception handling

Exception handling fundamentals
Exception types
try catch finally blocks
throw , throws keywords
Creating custom exceptions

Java streams- java.io

Streams overview
Byte streams vs. Character streams
Input/Output streams
Reading/Writing files using File Streams

Java Threads

Introduction to threads
Multi threading in java
Thread lifecycle
Thread class and Runnable interface
Thread priorities
Interthread communication

Java collections - java.util

Collections overview
List,Set, SortedSet
ArrayList ,LinkedList,TreeSet

Networking java.net

Networking overview
Basics of java network programming

Advance Java J2EE

Database Programming

JDBC overview
SQL- Structured Query Language
JDBC Programming Concepts
Query Execution
Scrollable and Updatable Result Sets
Working with Statements
Row Sets
Batch Updates
Calling stored procedures and functions

Getting Started with Web Applications

Web Application Life Cycle
Web Modules
Configuring Web Applications
JDBC with Web Applications
Jar, War and Ear
Tomcat Webserver Server

Java Servlet Technology

Servlets overview
Servlet Life Cycle
Sharing Information
Initializing a Servlet
Writing Service Methods
Filtering Requests and Responses
Invoking Other Web Resources
Accessing the Web Context
Session tracking and management

Java Server Pages (JSP)

JSP overview
The Life Cycle of a JSP Page
Declarations, Scriptlets, Expressions
JSP Action tags
JSP implicit objects
Scope in JSP

Struts Framework

Struts2 Basics & Architecture
Struts Request Handling Life Cycle
Struts2 Configuration
Struts2 Actions
Struts2 Interceptors
Struts2 Results
Struts2 Tag Libraries
Struts2 XML Based Validations
Struts2 Database Access


Hibernate architecture
Hibernate configuration property file
Hibernate configuration XML file
Database dialects
Obtaining a Session Factory
User-provided JDBC connection
The id element and primary key
Id generation methods
Mapping for collections and associations
Querying Persistent Data
The Query interface
Using interceptor callbacks
Transactions and concurrency
The Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
The select clause
The from clause
The where clause
Aggregate functions
Sorting, grouping


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