Easily Explained Video Lectures from Basics to Advance, 100% Practical covering Core Java, Advance Java, Struts 2.x, Hibernate 3.x Frameworks
Core Java 1. Introduction to Java 2. Language Fundamentals 3. Object Oriented Programming 4. OOPs concepts and their implementation in Java 5. Packages and Interfaces 6. Exception Handling 7. String Handling 8. Windows programming using AWT & Swing 9. Internet Programming using Applets 10. Multi Threading 11. Stream based I/O in Java 12. Networking 13. Reflection Advance Java 1. JDBC 2.0 + Oracle 10g ( Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement, Transaction, Cursor, Scrollable ResultSet, Native Driver) 2. Java Servlets 2.0 ( Life Cycle,Architecture, Session Tracking, Servlet Chaining, Http Tunneling, Filtering) 3. JSP 1.2 ( Advantage over Servlets, Life Cycle, Architecture, Tags, Directives, Implicit Object, Java Bean, Tag Lib) 4. Struts Framework 2.0 (MVC and Struts 2 Architecture, Actions, Results & Interceptors, Presentation Tags, Interceptors, Tiles, Annotations) 5. AJAX (AJAX with Active X Controll and AJAX with Struts) 6. Hibernate 3.0 (Hibernate Architecture, Session and SessionFactory, Inheritance Mapping, Association Mapping, Hibernate Query Language, Integrating Struts & Hibernate) 7. RMI-JNDI ( Object Serialization, Socket Programming, Naming Service, JNDI, Marshelling/ Unmarshelling) 8. EJB 3.0 ( Architecture, Life Cycle, Session Bean, Entity Bean, Message Driven Bean, Bean to Bean, Connection Pool) 8. XML ( Parsing, XML Descriptor,Deployment Descriptor, Web Services, Creating WAR Files ) 9. MCA Level Project Work ( ERP Application, Web Application) Server : Weblogic 9.0 , Tomcat 6.0. IDE : Net Beans, Eclips. RDBMS : Oracle 10g / SQL Server.